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Study on Effectiveness of SMC Radio Intervention in 10 districts of UP. UNICEF, 2018

One of the provision under the Right to Education (RTE) Act is to have School Management Committee (SMC). UNICEF have been taking several initiatives in collaboration with SSA, the most recent being SMC Radio program named Jan Pahal. The 52 episodes radio program was broadcast from August 2017 till March 2018. The plan was to make the SMC members listen to the episodes in schools through the radio set distributed to the schools and discuss the issue thereafter. Two rounds of effectiveness study among the primary audience of this SMC Radio Series in 150 schools from 10 selected district of UP - one, post launch & second immediately after the conclusion of the radio programme were conducted. The purpose was to assess and examine the extent to which the programmes resonate with the primary audiences, the reach and recall of the messages, awareness on roles and responsibilities on improving school and learning environment.